Event Information Page

The Dates of the Festival

30th May to 3rd June 2024
The Box Office and Campsites open at noon on 30th May 2024. This is when you can arrive and camp.
Live Music Starts on Thursday Night at 7pm with an opening concert.
All other Activities and Fun start on Friday 31st May in the morning.
The Festival ends on Sunday Night, 2nd June 2024
Campsites close at noon on Monday 3rd June

Shuttle Times from Aberystwyth Train Station £5 per journey
Aberystwyth - Festival Site

Thursday: 15.30, 17.30, 19.30, 21.30
Friday: 13.30, 15.30, 17.30, 19.30, 21.30

Festival Site - Aberystwyth Train Station
Sunday:  9.00, 11.00, 13.00, 15.00, 17.00
Monday: 9.00, 11.00.

Ticket Pricing Explained

We're again attempting a tiered ticket system to attempt to make the event fairer.

The Plan:
Low Income For people who really are struggling to make ends meet at the moment.
Average Ticket Price This is what our budget says we need to charge to cover the event.
High Income If you are confortable and have a decent income, please consider paying a little more. For each of these tickets we release more low income tickets.
Benefactor Ticket Our festival is not-for-profit and is made possible by countless people working for cheap or free.... this ticket is a massive thank you to everyone... if you can afford to give something back over and above. Thank you.

A very helpful person sent in this matrix to help you decide if you are Low Income, Average or a High Earner.

  • I am comfortably able to meet all of my basic needs.
    I may have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs.
    I own my home or property or I rent a higher-end property.
    I can afford public and private transport. If I have a car/access to a car I can afford petrol.
    I have regular access to healthcare.
    I have access to financial savings.
    I have an expendable income.
    I can always buy new items.
    I can afford an annual holiday or take time off.

  • I may stress about meeting my basic needs but still regularly achieve them.
    I may have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs.
    I can afford public transport and often private transport. If I have a car/access to a car I can afford petrol.
    I am employed.
    I have access to health care.
    I might have access to financial savings.
    I have some expendable income.
    I am able to buy some new items and I buy others second hand.
    I can take a holiday annually or every few years without financial burden.

  • I frequently stress about meeting basic needs and don’t always achieve them.
    I have debt and it sometimes prohibits me from meeting my basic needs.
    I rent lower-end properties or have unstable housing.
    I sometimes can’t afford public or private transport. If I own a car/have access to a car, I am not always able to afford petrol.
    I am unemployed or underemployed.
    I qualify for government and/or voluntary assistance including: food banks and benefits.
    I have no access to savings.
    I have no or very limited expendable income.
    I rarely buy new items because I am unable to afford them.
    I cannot afford a holiday or have the ability to take time off without


How Camping is organised on The Farm

Live in Vehicles
Main Field Camper Vans - 100 spaces. We can’t have tents near vans, they are in next to camper van area.
Yellow Gate and Crew Campers - across the road.
(no tents are allowed in camper van/parking field across the road, sorry, not our choice!)

Family Camping - bottom of the main field by the stream. 100 spaces for larger bell tents and family set ups. Please select this option at checkout.
Accessible Camping - top of the Main Field. Please email us to book your space.
Adventure Camping - down in the Valley by the stream. It’s quieter, and there are no kids there. Suitable for smaller tents.

Glamping / Pre-Pitched Tents
We appreciate some people come from afar or can’t bring their own kit, or want to splash out. Our glamping partner for 2024 is Vintents, a wonderful crew who upcycle vintage frame tents. Long Live the 70s!
There are options for 2, 4 and 6 person occupancy, furnished or unfurnished.
All bookings are handled direct via their website here.

Off Site Accommodation

Hate camping? There are lots of local BnBs around, and you can commute to the festival. Try:
The Vegetarian BnB www.vegetarianpenrhiw.com

Families & Children

As well as the vast natural playground of woodland, hills and streams, we have a varied programme of interactive activities and entertainment for all ages. We’ll be based in the colourful marquees opposite the Travelling Barn stage. Details of the 2024 programme will be published in April. Please remember we are limiting the number of child tickets available. We do not have enough suitable (flat) camping space for family sized tents.

If you wish to be added to the waiting list for Under 18’s tickets please complete this form and we will notify you if tickets become available.

General information - do and don’ts

Fires - no thanks! We have them already.. please don’t have your own or those pesky BBQs

Camper Vans Facilities - We can’t dispose of Elsan, and please fill your water tank before you come

Electric Vehicles - We run off generators so cannot charge EV’s unless by pre-arrangement. There are several charging points within a 10 miles radius. It just doesn’t make sense to use fossil fuels to charge a green vehicle!

Day Tickets - Sunday Only. We only have a limited number of day tickets available on Sunday 2nd June (non camping). They can be purchased on the day from 9am. Cost £50, under 13’s free. Note you will still have to pay for parking if you arrive by car. There are no day tickets for other days.

Mobile Phones - There is no mobile signal on the farm and no mobile phone charging points. We recommend turning your phones off - or at least going onto airplane mode to save the battery power. Immerse yourself in the land, the people and the music.

Security and protection

We employ full time SIA security officers who keep everyone safe. They have the right to evict anyone from the site who is deemed to be a nuisance or unsafe and notify the Police. We do everything in our power to ensure the safety of everyone who comes to the festival. If you have any concerns please find a member of the security team who will be easily identifiable with uniforms and SIA badges.

We sell alcohol and therefore comply with current legislation. We operate a challenge 25 policy and only recognised forms of identity documents will be accepted – such as a photographic driving licence, passport, proof of age card with a pass logo such as a Citizen card.

Any drugs or weapons found at any time on attendees will be confiscated and destroyed. Our security officers reserve the right to perform random bag searches.

We have a lost child/vulnerable person policy and all key staff are briefed on the process.

Lost Property

We aim to reunite people with their lost items before they leave the festival, however if you notice that you have lost something when you get home then please send an email to info@fireinthemountain.co.uk with a contact number so we can get in touch. Lost property is kept for 2 months and then disposed of.

Car Parking

£30 Weekend Car Parking Charge. It costs us over £7000 to facilitate cars and vans; Stewards and Parking Marshals, extra security, renting a field, and all that expensive, heavy and horrid to handle temporary road matting. We need to cover those costs and use anything left to subsidise sustainable transport incentives - there is a cheap shuttle from the train station, and a subsidised coach from London, Bristol and Cardiff.


We welcome our furry friends but dogs must be kept on a lead and under control at all times. Poop must be scooped straight away and disposed of responsibly in the area provided. There are lots of animals, children and other dogs at the festival and we want everyone to feel safe. There are plenty of great walking areas bordering the site. Please be aware that you will be asked to leave the festival if you don't comply with this and we don't really want to have to do that. Lastly, due to the presence of livestock in adjoining fields, we recommend you remain vigilant at all times, as farmers do not take kindly to distress to their livestock.

Cancellation and refund policy

We recognise that unforeseen events can occur between the time you purchase your ticket and the festival. Fire in the Mountain will refund any ticket without question up until midday on Wednesday 29th May (the Wednesday before the event). Please log into your TicketSellers account or email info@ticketsellers.co.uk  On requesting a refund, you will be charged 10% of the ticket price for all tickets except adult tickets. Adult weekend ticket refunds incur a charge (up to £7). This cost will be deducted from the face value of your refunded tickets. 

Ticket Swaps : Should you need to change your ticket types please get in touch with The Ticket Sellers directly on info@theticketsellers.co.uk please note this will incur a £5 admin charge.

Waiting list :We have a waiting list when tickets are sold out. Please complete this form to be added to the list. If you do not have the ticket(s) you require then please do not travel as we will turn you away. When we are sold out we are out of space.

Name changes : We allow one name change per ticket for free with no admin charge, but after that you will need to request a refund.  This is to avoid secondary ticket selling skulduggery!

Fees : No one likes charges on top of ticket prices. We include the "Booking Fee" which goes to our 3rd party ticket-selling website in the ticket price - you pay the face value of your tickets. However, every order incurs an additional and unavoidable non-refundable "transaction charge" (banking charge) of £1.50. We can't do anything about this. 

Getting here

The full address is in your ticket email but please note if you are approaching from the East (A44) your SatNav will direct you via a tricky, narrow, hairpin uphill bend. If you wish to avoid this then head for Pontrhydygroes (after Devil’s Bridge) and don’t take the right hand turn opposite the white school but continue straight ahead. Your SatNav should pick up the route again, turning right just before a lovely stone bridge. It adds only another 5 minutes on your journey.

Come prepared

The weather can be unpredictable so please make sure you have thought of every possibility! This year there appear to be more midges around than the last few years so please bring insect repellant if you think you will need it. Be prepared for sunshine and rain. We do everything we can think of to make the site lovely but sadly can’t control the weather.


The festival provides an accessible camping area which is near to the courtyard, medical tent and stages. It is situated on the main camping field. There are disabled portaloos for people with access needs.

Electric mobility aids and devices can be charged at the festival by prior arrangement. Please do get in touch. As we run the festival on a generator we need to plan for the power needs. We do not provide electric hook up for general use.

We do not have a dedicated medicine fridge. Our catering fridges are locked but please get in touch to see if we can help with storing medication.

We have 2 showers on site that are down by the stream. People with limited mobility may find it hard to reach the showers as they are along the bank of the stream. The path is narrow and passes over tree roots. The shower units are accessed via steps.

There are 3 stages and two food vendor locations.

The main stage in the courtyard is easily accessible with wide entrances.

The main bar is also easily accessible through a wide entrance and both are on hard standing.

The barn stage and bar are located on the main camping field (grass). Access is usually good but may become tricky if we have rain.

The lawn stage is on grass and again may be tricky if it rains.

Some food vendors are in the farmyard and on hard standing but most are on grass either by the lawn stage or the barn stage.

There is no designated quiet camping. The area known as adventure camping is quieter than the main camping field. Access to that field is on foot, down the stone track and over the stream via a footbridge. There are no disabled toilets in that area.

As the festival is held on a farm, many of the access routes are rough stone tracks. There is a small amount of trackway laid at the vehicle entrances (car park and Box Office).

We do provide carer tickets if you are in receipt of higher rate PIP/DLA or equivalent and are aged over 18. If you have access needs and are not in receipt of high rate DLA/PIP please do get in touch in the first instance boxoffice@fireinthemountain.co.uk and we will assess on a case by case basis.

If you need more information please do get in touch.